The Experimenta Debate: Representation and Praxis (Part One) BFI

"How do we deal with the realities of anti-black violence through the audio-visual, without pandering to the desire for spectacle? How do we reckon with the violence done to us outside of the white gaze that seems to relish in our recollections of it? How do we resist the observation of our mourning and our organising, the “visual appetite for violence” as Rooney Elmi has described it? How do we honour those lost, the ancestors and the ghosts, always remembering how and why we lost them, without being repeatedly tormented?"
In the midst of a pandemic, police and extrajudicial violence against Black people continues - and not just in the USA. In their ongoing film and installation project 'where did we land', Languid Hands' Rabz Lansiquot interrogates our collective relationship to imaging violence and its impacts, intended or otherwise. 
You can revisit their talk on violence and representation at 2018's London Film Festival Experimental Debate on Youtube with an introduction and Q&A with curator Taylor Le Melle.