Programme Exhibitions Past Exhibitions Academie Isotrop: ‘Contents and Documents’ Exhibition Run: 7 May 1999 - Friday 28 May 1999 ‘Akademie Isotrop’ is a group of twenty artists, authors, and musicians that founded their own art academy in Hamburg in 1996. A. I. have there own exhibition space in the famous Pudel Club, called ‘Nomadenoase’ (oasis of the nomads), and publish their own magazine, “Isotrop’: “The A. I. is developing an artistic lifestyle and new forms of presentation in order to distribute their ideas and interpretations of what they call the ‘now and never time’. ‘The A. I. is not a religion but it is ‘revolution’ ‘execution’ and ‘evolution’. For their forthcoming show at Cubitt ‘Akademie Isotrop’ are planing their first documentary exhibition: ‘See you in jail!’ says the Academie Manage Cookie Preferences