In the process of auditing the materials at Cubitt Education, there has been the inevitable appearance of surplus and odd items that were of not much apparent use but too good to throw away. As creative practitioners and educators we often find ourselves with limited funds and resources. However this initial challenge is regularly overcome with improvisation and adaptation skills that make the engaging in artistic practice so special. With this in mind our Artist Educators were set the challenge in this month’s session to create something out of nothing with this surplus and certainly did not disappoint.


Along with the diverse physical pieces of work produced, many ideas were formed and debated about how you could apply this exercise in an educational setting. Two examples of games devised to encourage students exploration included:


  • To provide a box of cards with material suggestions and a box of cards with technique suggestions for students to select at random and experiment with.
  • To play a creative version of ‘pass the parcel’ where each student in turn must contribute by either adding or taking away an element to a collaborative class work.

Play is one of the best tools we posses and restrictions can be positive in this context as they require you to conjure up alternative solutions to problems. It is during this avenue of enquiry and experimentation that real learning takes place. In the New Year clear out those cupboards, play, recognise and celebrate your own or your groups ability to make those limitations unlimited!

Booking for this event has now closed.