A Public Resource: Talks and Events 2:00 - 2:50PMTalk: Architects 4 Social Housing (ASH)ASH are a working collective of architects, urban designers, engineers, writers and more, set up in order to respond architecturally to London’s housing crisis. Members from the group will discuss their organisation and their current proposals for the Central Hill Estate. 3:00 - 3:50PMTalk: Bonnie CamplinLondon-based, multidisciplinary artist Bonnie Camplin will talk about tactical research and pattern detection, qualia channels, dimensional gates and the holarchic structure of reality. 4:00 - 4:50PMTalk: Save Cressingham GardensSCG members will discuss their fight to stop the demolition of Brixton’s Cressingham Gardens estate. 5:00 - 6:00PMTalk: Evan IfekoyaArtist Evan Ifekoya will lead a workshop exploring the history of nightlife in the 1990s for London’s black LGBT communities. THURSDAY 17 MARCH 7:00 - 8:30PMFilm Screening: Who is Bozo Texino? Directed by Bill Daniel, Who is Bozo Texino? is a documentary filmed over 16 years that looks at the underground universe of hobo culture, freight hopping, nonconformism and alternative living, shot in beautiful black and white, with an extraordinary soundtrack. A pre-recorded Q&A, developed by Daniel for A Public Resource, will be screened after the film. SATURDAY 19 MARCH 12:30 - 2:30PMPublic Crit Session with Q-Art Q-ART are an art education research, publishing and events organisation who aim to break down the barriers to further and higher level art education and contemporary art. Q-ART will lead a crit session open to artists of all backgrounds as well as anyone with an interest in art. THURSDAY 24 MARCH 7:00 - 9:00PMFilm Screening: Black and White in Colour: Television, Memory, Race This two-part documentary, directed by Isaac Julien and narrated by Stuart Hall, is an indispensable chronicle of TV history and the involvement of black and Asian people in British television. SATURDAY 26 MARCH 2:00 - 7:30PM 2:00 - 4:00PMTalk: Sisters UncutSisters Uncut are a direct-action feminist group fighting cuts to domestic violence services. They will lead a three-part workshop followed by a short Q&A; introducing Sisters Uncut and how they work, then discussing police violence against women of colour and finally highlighting the vital role of housing in protecting women from abusive relationships. 4:00 - 4:50PMTalk: Spin Watch, Tamasin CaveTamasin Cave, member of independent public relations investigators Spinwatch will speak about her work and recent book A Quiet Word: Lobbying, Crony Capitalism, and Broken Politics in Britain. 5:00 - 5:50PMTalk: Russell NewellArtist and photographer Russell Newell will look at a few key moments of political importance in his career. In particular he will be considering, through images and text, how his relationship to Peckham has changed over the past 40+ years, the possibilities of abstraction and looking to Africa. 6:00 - 7.30PMScreening: ACT UP Oral History ProjectAIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) is an international direct action advocacy group working to impact the lives of people with AIDS. In this inspirational and moving interview taken from the ACT UP Oral History Project, lawyer Mary Doorman talks about her work with the group. THURSDAY 31 MARCH 7.00 - 8.30PMPerformance: Megan Nolan – And No Animal is Without Enemy Nolan’s performance is an attempt to create a site for the unravelling of assumed positions; to question what the self can mean to a disembodied subject; what it means to claim the first person; what it means to refuse the belief that you are alive. Devised with reference to R.D. Laing’s The Divided Self and featuring performances and readings from Linda Stupart, Claire Potter, Rachel Benson, Penny Goring, Eoghan Ryan, and Megan Nolan. SATURDAY 2 APRIL 2:00 - 6:00PM 2:00 - 2:50PMTalk: Michael McMillanCurator Michael McMillan will explore his process of curating the Walter Rodney Bookshop installation as part of the recent exhibition No Colour Bar, Black British Art in Action 1960 – 1990, considering black activism, radical black politics and cultural revolution in British society. 3:00 - 3:50PMTalk: SALT.SALT. is a contemporary art and feminism publication based in London, founded in 2012. The three editors of SALT. Hannah Regel, Jala Wahid and Thea Smith, will each read their contributions to the newest issue, offering an introduction to SALT. and its intentions. 4:00 - 4:50PMTalk: Focus E15Focus E15 are a grass roots organisation set up to combat the effects of social cleansing and community displacement resulting from the privatisation of social housing. Members from the group will talk about their work. 5:00 - 6:00PMTalk: Matthew McQuillanArtist Matthew McQuillan will explore the effect of ‘Cuteness’ and ‘Authenticity’ in gentrifying London. Via coffee shops & revitalised market streets, his talk will argue that they (in part) determine who is included and excluded, who is invited and who is displaced. THURSDAY 7 APRIL 7:00 - 8:30PMScreening: Mati Diop’s Atlantiques plus Campsfield House & Working Illegally from Standoff Films.Mati Diop’s Atlantiques recounts the odyssey of Senegalese friends who attempt a life-threatening boat crossing. Standoff presents two documentaries: Campsfield House focuses on an immigration removal centre in Oxfordshire, UK; Working Illegally offers critical insight into the labour that maintains the UK detention estate. Filmaker Lou Macnamara will be in conversation after the screening. SATURDAY 9 APRIL 2:00 - 6:00PM 2:00 - 2:50pmTalk: Michael OhajuruHistorian Michael Ohajuru will review the image and reality of the Black Presence in 16th Century England, through three figures from the period–The Black Magus, John Blanke and St. Maurice. 3:00 - 3:50pmTalk: Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London (RAMFEL)RAMFEL is a non-profit organisation who works for asylum seekers, migrants, refugees, Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities and anyone experiencing discrimination. Chief executive Rita Chadha will talk through the organisations aims and activities. 4:00 - 4:50pmTalk: Disabled People Against CutsFormed after a mass demonstration against austerity cuts in 2010, DPAC is a grass roots organisaton, set up to fight for justice and human rights for all disabled people. Group member Paula Peters will talk about her involvement with the group. 5:00 - 5:50pmTalk: Paul GoodwinCurator and writer Paul Goodwin will comment on and develop some speculative modes of thinking through emerging relationships between ‘blackness’ within art practices and creative urban strategies in the 21st century metropolis. Booking for this event has now closed. Manage Cookie Preferences