Explore play and games as creative tools which can help us connect with each other, ourselves and new ideas, as well as promote equality.

Drawing on his extensive experience of facilitating child-led play in learning and gallery settings, Albert will introduce you to activities, materials and objects that can support non-hierarchical, non-gendered play environments in the classroom and beyond. You'll learn and invent inclusive, collaborative games which get everyone playing. 


This session is open to Islington educators, with a focus on Early Years practitioners and those who work with families.

To book, email Lydia at [email protected]  


Albert Potrony is an artist with a participatory practice examining ideas of identity, community and language. Albert is interested in generating social spaces through his projects, and participation from diverse groups and individuals is a key element to his work. His commissioned exhibition at the Baltic, Equal Play, explores principles of non-hierarchical play environments. 

This workshop is part of 11 by 11 Culture Bank, delivered in partnership with Islington Cultural Enrichment and School Improvement teams.

Image: Still from 'Play as Radical Practice' commissioned by Serpentine. Courtesy: Albert Potrony.

Booking for this event has now closed.