Artists Aysen Aktu and Richard Phoenix will share simple creative, practical activities which explore the collaborative and imaginative possibilities of art in the classroom. Aysen and Richard have worked together over many years through the learning disability arts organisation Heart n Soul. They will discuss some of the reasons they enjoy making art together and how collaboration helps their creativity. They will invite you to reflect on the role that creative collaboration can play in your setting. 

This session is open to Islington educators, and will be focussed on supporting students who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

To book, email Lydia at [email protected]  


Aysen Aktu is a visual artist. She likes playing music, drawing, pottery and dancing and describes what she does as “beautiful colours”. Aysen’s work has been exhibited at Tate Britain and Heart n Soul. She has worked on a number of commissions including the EP artwork for Heart n Soul band Electric Fire, a beer label for Brick Brewery and a vinyl release for Soho Radio.

Richard Phoenix is an artist who paints, draws, writes, makes music and learns about how these things can help people be together. Currently, he is a part of the Conditions Studio Programme in Croydon and he works for the learning disability arts organisation Heart n Soul as their Associate Artist.

This workshop is part of 11 by 11 Culture Bank, delivered in partnership with Islington Cultural Enrichment and School Improvement teams.


Image: Aysen Aktu

Booking for this event has now closed.